Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have been spending every free second hooking ornaments and have totally been neglecting my blog and reading others, but I will be right back in the blogging-swing of things very soon (after my show the first weekend in December).

Happy Thanksgiving and Love to all....


Kathy said...

Same to you Beth and good luck with the show!!

Lorelei Eurto said...

Miss you Beth!
Enjoy your holiday!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Beth! I hope you had both your kids home to celebrate the holiday with you :)

lilylovekin said...

I've been away visiting my sister and mother. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. We both had a lot to be thankful for this year. Miss you.

dulcy said...

Please post pictures from your show (if you have them). Hope it went well!


Angela said...

Hey Beth!!

One of your partners was to send a gift to you, the other you were to send a gift to :) So did you and someone else just switch with each other? I am a little confused :0

Angela said...

Hi again!

I looked at it again, this is how I see it:

You got Maranda

Maranda got Christopher and Tia

Abigail got you


Kathy got Abigail

So if you didn't hear from Maranda, then Christopher and Tia may not get a gift....hmmm and Abigail will get two gifts :)

Or am I just looking at it wrong? I am pretty tired and I have Christmas brain.

Angela said...


I sent Tia a gift, its all okay :) Thanks anyway!