It's raining again. As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers!
I am thinking the rain will not only bring the flowers, green grass and make the trees explode, but it's a good excuse to stay in, sit in a comfortable chair, and do stitching. Make the most of what there is, and right now that means, enjoy the rain, and what it brings with it.
Stay warm and dry!
Hope you had a great Easter! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my STJ artwork....the owner of the site forwarded your comment!!!!
Thank you for your appreciation!!!
Hi beth , My sister is a needle point artist. I love it but have never been that good at it. I love your little wine bag that is not needle point but something else right? My late husband was really good with wine. Hence I have a very nice collection stil,l We liked reds ,Silver Oak especially. I still have about 70 bottles I only open for special times. Thanks for the nice remembrance comment for brother and heres to yours too. They are missed .. hugs julie
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