Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sweet Nothings #3

Just listed another Sweet Nothings in the Etsy Shop. I have another busy weekend coming up and will be away from home for 2 days so I wanted to get something listed. Next week I can devote attention to a more substantial listing.
We will be at our nephew's confirmation tomorrow in NY, and in NJ all day Saturday watching our daughter row for UMass - go UMass!

Thanks to everyone who shared my good day with me yesterday. I'll keep you all posted as the process progresses. In the meantime, any finger crossing, psyching, praying or whatever would be appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


sharon said...

Beth, crossing my fingers, praying, and sending good thoughts my way!!

Unknown said...

Can not wait to hear, and in the mean time keep the needlepoint work up . Pretend you are Scarlet O'hare listening to Melanie read David Cooper Field while the ladies waited for the news of their "men" and needlepointed ( in your case the job) . Do you remember that scene? I always think of it when I see fine classic needle point. hugs julie